Over the past couple of months, I've had to take a bit of a break from gaming. My play sessions had been reduced to starting a game, poking around for about 10 minutes then quitting again. As bad as it is to admit this on my GAMES BLOG, I didn't miss it. I reacquainted myself with books, reading all of the 'A Song of Ice and Fire' novels (great!), caught up on television (not so great) and watched the sports season wind down (SPORTS!). It barely registered that the neon-lit, bass emitting monster of E3 was just around the corner...
Well the beast appeared, offended nearly everyone, offended everyone else, and left. The end result, I'm excited about Video Games again!
I would be dong a disservice to my loyal readers, all 11 of you, if I didn't extend a cursory nod of the head to the new consoles. One is $500 and has a camera that watches you all the time. The other is $400 and is essentially a shiner version of every single console ever made, and it has a share button! WHO ASKED FOR THAT?
Great, with that sorted, onto my picks for the games I can't wait to play over the next few years!
the desolate shroud
PC Games are the best!
Assassins Creed 3 - PC Review
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Assassins Creed 3 doesn't know what
it wants to do. Like an over-stimulated child, it
sees something exciting, rampages off in its general direction until
it becomes distracted, chases a new object and so on. Inevitably the child
becomes tired and stops playing, having accomplished very little.
Maybe this is a tad harsh, but
Assassins Creed 3 is characterized by long stretches of activity that
have nothing to do with being an assassin. You can't help but feel the time and
effort spent crafting these features would've been better spent elsewhere.
There is a solid game in here somewhere. You just have to sift through mounds
of produce, pelts and plumage to find it.
Gaming's Best Things of 2012
What a great year 2012 was for games. Think about it. When was the last time where nearly every major title didn't disappoint? Just about everything I played this year was excellent. Admittedly 'I WASNT DISAPPOINTED" is not the most stunning rubric to judge the year in gaming by, but we gamers are a cynical bunch and grow suspicious at high praise and kind words. Here are my picks for the finest five games of 2012.
Crime-on Thy Neighbor - SimCity Trailer
Now this is exciting. A new developer diary, featuring a man with a spectacularly waxed mustache, for the upcoming SimCity game has landed and it sure is splendid. It explains some of the games mechanics and the effects your city can have on your neighbors I for one look forward to being the despot of 'Crimeville' and dispatching my lowlife citizens to terrify the surrounding area.
SimCity is allegedly going to be released March 5, 2013.
Can't Wait... for Far Cry 3
Far Cry 3's review embargo just lifted and wouldn't you know it, the game is being met with almost universal acclaim. The marketing campaign for the game left me ready to ignore it, but a review from my most trusted adviser, Rock, Paper, Shotgun, has got me opening my wallet.
Clint Hocking's Far Cry 2 - a game I wish to write about in the future - is one of my favorite games of the past decade. It had its share of problems, but I was easily able to look past these to the visually stunning, anecdote generating heart that beat underneath. It sounds like the third entry fixes the issues and keeps the goodness. This certainly earns a can't wait.
Check out the latest promotional video.
The cheapest places I've found it on there internet are here and here (UK only)
Clint Hocking's Far Cry 2 - a game I wish to write about in the future - is one of my favorite games of the past decade. It had its share of problems, but I was easily able to look past these to the visually stunning, anecdote generating heart that beat underneath. It sounds like the third entry fixes the issues and keeps the goodness. This certainly earns a can't wait.
Check out the latest promotional video.
FTL: Faster Than Light Review
Explore the stars, meet interesting aliens and die
repeatedly. There is nothing flashy or complicated about FTL (Faster Than
Light). You have a ship, a small crew and a simple mission: deliver vital intelligence
to the federation before being caught and destroyed by the pursuing rebel
fleet. Don't be fooled by the simplicity of the graphics, this is the best way
to exercise your inner Captain Kirk or Admiral Ackbar this year.
FTL puts you in the captain's chair of the spaceship of your
choosing. My missions saw me nearly exhaust the list of ships that fought
during the Battle of Jutland - you can name your ship after something much less
tough, like your cat. But come on, who wants to sacrifice their life for 'The
Shock to the Coin Purse: Patches Released for System Shock 2 and Thief 2
Wait what!? Out of the blue comes two user made patches for these veritable classics. Thief 2 remains one of the best games ever made, and if you've never played through either of these titles this seems like the moment you have been waiting for. The patches are available here along with the details of what they do.
If you don’t own either of these games Thief 2 can be found on Steam, GOG, and various other reputable sources. System Shock on the other hand, isn't really available anywhere. Unless you can find yourself an old boxed copy of the game on Amazon, your best bet is to visit a site that provides something the rhymes with abhorrent.
Get into it you taffers.
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